Sunday, February 22, 2009


Nope this is not Jeff and I.....Yep I watched "Gone With the Wind" on Saturday. It's one of my favorite movies. I just love that Scarlett..but what in the world did she ever see in that Ashley Wilkes....he was such a weennie....that Rhett was much more of a catch!! And after watching that my new favorite saying is going to be "great balls of fire". Ahhhh I could just watch that movie over and over and over!!!
Friday Cacey was off to Monarch with her 5th grad class to go snow boarding. They had to meet at the school at 5:30am. This is her and her friend Ryan....trying to wake up.
Here they all are waiting to pile in the van...Miss Baldner (in the braids) is Cacey's teacher. I was due to go but I instead stayed behind to put in some time at work...learning a new part of Radiology, which I have just I get to be closer to my buddy M.A. I was also quick to let her know that day when I felt like she was ignoring me!!! What is more important....ME or WORK? I missed going to Monarch but I don't think Cacey much missed me being there. She had a great time!!
Looking a little on the tired side girl!
Saturday Jeff and Jeffery had a "shoot for the hungry". They came home with a bunch of winnings from the raffles. Do you like Jeffery's Mosquitto protector?
He also won a Turke decoy....COOL! He and Jeff had can see it on their face.

Cacey and Cassidy stayed home with me and we had the Schwartz girls over....Cass and Meg had fun doing nails, hair, and all that girly sort of stuff.
Meg gave Cassidy a crazy DO.
Jeff made a great dinner...Elk steaks, grilled chicken, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and rolls. Gramps came over and Meg and Miranda stayed to have dinner with us. YUUUUMMMMMYYY!
Elyse and Anthony came for a quick overnighter....Anthony and Jeff played poker, they had a good time....I love that we are seeing them more....I'm praying that it continues!! This morning went to church, it was good....embarrassed that I broke the little wine cup trying to take it out of the communion holder......and it sprayed all over was terrible!
We also made choco chip cookies....which are all gone....don't last long around here! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wednesday, Thursday...Endin the week...

Wednesday my sweet new friend "Cheryl" at work gave me a late Valentine....a huge KISS...I thought this was the cutest thing and I think I will steal her idea for next year

It's a giant Rice Kripy Treat KISS. YUMMMMMMMYYYY! When I got home the kids and shared it.

Check out those PEARLY WHITES!! Cass, Cace, and I all got our teeth cleaned. The sun was a little much for Cass.

Here is a better pic in the shade...Those girls are sweet. SAD TO was only their MOTHER who had the cavities...2! The Hygienist said it was probably due to stress....I quickly agreed because their was no way I was going to admitt to all the candy I eat......which is really to help my YES....YES....those are stress related cavities! Looking forward to the weekend.....always am! Happy day Folks!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Day Another Project..

Back to work today....YUCK!!!! Glad to get home. Tonight Cacey has a project due tomorrow....The small intestine....did you know it can be up to 25 feet long? Whew...I'm learning too. She did a great job, and the hollering was very minimal...praise God!! We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm kinda hopeing not a project. Ha!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Presidents Day!

After a day like today we all have spring fever!!! The kids played outside most of the one part of the day there were 9 kids here!!! I love it...the kids had a fun day off...and so did I. Nick and Jeffery aka "the survivor men" tried to make fire...I wasnt worried Cacey was close by keeping an eye on them.
I sat outside with them enjoying the nice day.
Cassidy and Abby walked their babies.
Jeffery finished his Gulivers Travel book report! YIPPPPEEE! Hope everyone had a happy Presidents Day! Ciao

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What A Happy Valentines Day!

Had a happy Valentines Day morning...all the kids got Valentine T-shirts and socks.
My friend Vicki gave Cass cute cute heart earings ...she loved them.
This shirt fits Cacey's personality so well...she really liked it.
Jeffery got a Tony Hawk hearts and cutesie stuff for him!
This isnt a great picture of Jeff but he and Jeffery went Rabbit hunting.....they ended coming back home because the weather was to bad. I'm glad they came back home!
Cass looked so cute in her Valentine shirt....heart earings.....heart necklace....and "love" ribbon in her hair.
We were all set to have my dad and cousins over for a romantic dinner...Pasta!
We played this perfect CD during the day....had songs like Volare, Solo Mio, and the most romantic.....the theme from the Godfather!! Ha, I loved it
Michele and Danny came by and gave the kids Valentines....what sweethearts!!!
Tracy got into town....I had got her a little Valentine....socks....funny she got me socks too.
Gramps came over to celebrate....NO not with the batman pinata...this is for Jeffery's Fiesta Thursday at school. What a good Grandpa...Jeffery will be the "man of the hour" in spanish class.
Well we all had a yummy dinner and sat around the table just talking....we played a Valentine card game that asked what is your favorie love song?, what is your favorite childhood memory?, who was your favorite teacher?. You get the idea.
Here is Elyse reading one of her questions......the kids were so funny!!!!!! Gramps played too. What a great day!! Tracy and I ended the day by getting manicure and pedicure together and Jeff and Anthony took the kids bowling. What a great day!!! Hope everyone had a happy day as well!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines Prep....Computer has been down...had to post all at once, sorry

Cacey and Jeffery wrote out Valentine cards Thursday night for their classmates.
I made the famous "Pioneer Woman" chocolate cake for Cassidy to take to school.
Cacey was easy...she wanted to take Jello.
Jeffery decided on Cupcakes...with sprinkles. I love doing this sort of thing for these sweet babies of mine!
And sure enough Friday morning....SNOW DAY....NO SCHOOL....I had all these goodies...and there was no way I was going to keep all that good stuff in my reach! Off we went delivering Valentines to our neighbors and friends.
And another surprise.....Brenda and Abby came over with Valentines for us. We got to sit and visit for a is fun to sit with all the kids around my table and talk....they are getting so big. Of coarse we just ended up talking about how they all expressed themselves during a temper tantrum.....Cacey's was the funniest because she passed out durning her fits. Anywho...that is what we talked and laughed about. We love you Timmermeyer Family!!!
All these kids have grown up together....we hope they will be life long friends.
We ended the night with a "HEART" shaped pizza from Pappa Murphys mmmmm. Tomorrow we are expecting Tracy and her family to come down and we will celebrate Valentines day together.

Cassidy competing in "Construction Challenge"

Cassidy competed in the city wide Construction challenge with their school. The team tries to solve real -world experiences in the construction industry. This is Friday, day before the challenge in Denver.
Cass, Felicia, and Sam....I don't know they look pretty tired.
Cassidy looks worried...they are trying to get wherever they need to be.....we were just not sure where that was.
After I got her settled I was off to Tracy's....we wen't to her mom's house and cleaned out the kitchen. Her friend Anita was also there to help out. I am just amazed at what wonderful friends my cousin has. "Blessed" for sure!
Just couldnt be happier to be near her!
Then back to Construction Challenge.....our team did not place.....I don't know but these girls did not seem to upset about it. What do you think?
Went to Chilis for dinner with everyone. It was so fun!!! Cassidy's teacher is the one furthest to the left....can you believe it? She looks so young!! She is great for Cassidy....she has done so well this year and Miss. Bryant can also put Cassidy in her place when she needs it. Miss Bryant agreed to give me her cell number if I promised NOT to give it to Cassidy..heee heee.
Here we are at Chilis...we had such a great time!!!
Cacey stayed home and hung out with the Timmermeyers....Thank you Brenda for helping me out!!! I know that Cacey had a fun day with you guys!!!