Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break...

Well, Didnt do a whole bunch during spring break just kinda lay low and enjoy being home with my monsters. Cacey had to see the Orthopedic Surgeon about her finger...wasnt getting better, a kid jumped on her finger with a pogo stick....IN NOVEMBER and was still not getting better with care of pediatrician. So....good news it's ok, just have to keep it taped for another 2 weeks then see how that goes. I love that Cacey still wants me with her every minute!!!
Went to an ice cream shop, met the cutest dog....awww he was just soooo sweet!!!! This was just after we witnessed a man get hit by a car, but that is another story.
Went to soccer practice with Cacey. Took Harper and Max, they were ebarrassing!!!! They bark so loud at other dogs. But oh well I was glad to walk them and have them out.
Jeffery and 2 buddies came with us to practice and played basketball.
Go Cacey Go!!

Cassidy and her friend Sarah worked on a scrapbook for their friend that moved to Kentucky. Thought it was so sweet of them to do that for her. We took a trip to Hobby Lobby for extra scrapbook goodies......but the girls looked at other stuff too. It was fun!!
Was worried about Gramps. He just wasnt himself, thought he may be close to having another seizure. Praise God he is doing much better.
Michele and Danny came over for Brats on the Grill for lunch. We love these guys!!!
Danny shaved his head for St. Baldrick's which is a fundraiser for Cancer. Another praise God, Danny is a cancer survivor!! He is a good guy!!
We liked his cool t-shirt
And don't you love your friends that you can hang out with, that you do not need to put make-up on....or do your hair? Well thats the kind of friend Michele is to me. She is great and I know I can be myself around her, make-up or no make-up.This obviously was a no makeup, no doing my hair sort of day. I'm so thankful for her friendship!!!!!
Cacey worked on a school project....she really liked the glue gun!!! HA!
And well today is Tuesday spring break is over and I'm back to work. I love different pictures of Pikes Peak. God is sooooo Awesome, look at this view....Spring Time in the Rockies!!!! It snowed last night but not that much....by Friday it is saposed to be in the 70's. Not a real eventful spring break but thankful for the time!! Happy Spring!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Dugars in Colorado!

Yep...we are sort of famous...HA! The Duggars aka "19 Kids and Counting" from the show on TLC came to our Focus On The Family and did a open ivite. This is one of Cassidy's favorite shows. We all watch it but not as "loyal" as Cass. She was just beside herself to go and see them!!!

Cacey was excited to go but not as much as Cass..
Here is their camera crew who tape their show....
We got to Focus really early to get good seats. Cassidy brought books to read...
The Duggars came out early to wave hi....I like the look on the boys faces.....looking at us....like we were crazy......we are!!!!
Luckily other friends came too... Amy and Michele...seems like we have been hanging out alot lately...I'm glad...we have fun with them.
Cassidy's other Duggar stocker friends were there too.
YEP...Cass got a front row seat, and met this nice older couple who surprisingly knew as much about the Duggars as she did. They were super sweet to her, they showed her all their pictures and told her all about how they met Michelle Duggar.
The kids were amazing musicians and singers, we really did enjoy it. Michele and Jim Bob gave their testimony and I was surprised how much it encouraged our walk with Jesus, not only as parents, but as a friend, wife and servant.
Here was all the people in line for the book signing. WHEW! It was long, but you know this was really a time to talk with my girls and friends. We also got to tape for their show....we all said "Next on 19 kids and counting". Pretty cool!!!
After 31/2 hours of standing in line Cacey had enough of standing. She decided just to sit on the floor.
Finally we made it...We thought we would never get to the signing table but we did. Cassidy was so excited to meet the girls.
The purple envelope Cassidy is holding was a letter she wrote to the Duggars telling them what an inspiration of faith they were to her and encouraged them to continue to be a witness of Christ. She gave it to this Duggar girl who I think is Jessa but I will have to ask Cassidy to make sure!!!
Us and Michelle and Jim Bob. They were super nice you think after a full day of people they would be spent but they were so kind!!!!!! So we were done! Yippee it was a fun day and a memory for the girls and I.
OH but wait....on the way out we ran into another Duggar....they are kind of everywhere...HA! She was real sweet about taking a picture with Cassidy.
The end to our night....the biggest moon since 20 years. Jeffery took this great picture of the moon....looks sort of spooky but I thought it was sooo cool.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Madness....

Catechisim has started at church, and all 3 Bradley children are doing it together. It is our Communicants class at church, at the end of May they will be baptised and become members of our church. I am soo proud of them! Cacey and Jeffery are working together. Cassidy.....well she is always 3 chapters ahead so we leave that over achiever alone. HA!
The best place these two boys like to be......by eachother!!!!
Crazy Guys!
Later in the week Jeffery abandoned Cacey for catechisim.....what a loner!!
The middle school had a St. Patricks Day dance. Cacey and Jeffery went. Cassidy decided not to go. 8th graders are soooo cool!!! HA!
And here are how most of the boys enjoyed the dance.....
And the girls danced with eachother....
OR....they checked their texts...
Just outside the school....I had to go straight from work so I'm still in my scrubs...
Our church youth had a Cattywompus.....aka....fun night....they did a carnival theme.....this coool guy did all these crazy balloons. I loved the hats.
At the church....the three amigos....
I made these cute treats for my co-wokers for St. Pats.....I enjoy making stuff like this!!! I got the ideas from "Crafty Chicks" blog.
Jeffery and Jeff started a skeet shooting league....they have been going every Saturday....they love it!

Cassidy helped at our annual clothing exchange at our church. She is always so willing to help with events at the church. The clothing exchange is an outreach for those who need clothes or household items and recieve them at no charge. It is a great event!!!
Cacey and I did a Scrapbook night at Archivers with friends....I love Scrapbooking. Thanks to Amy for inviting us with her great group of friends!!!
We had a great time!!!
Spring fever is setting in...WE WANT TO GRILL....Jeff put new burners in the grill and cleaned it up...mmmmmm
With warmer weather you always crave more fresh fruit too...why is that????
Here is Harper.....has her St. Pats scarf on.....I dont know how to flip the pictures but I just had to post it..
And sweet Maxi....
Today is actual St. Patricks day...NO Hash....for us....Gramps brought over pizza!!!
He is sooo good to us!!
WooooHOOOO just got my new camera in the mail....Thanks to Gramps!!!! I can't wait to get it up and going!!!!!
And last another sign of a new spring.....Cassidy's favorite sandals from last summer broke....Tis the season for new Flip Flop, Sandals, and Shorts!! Happy March!