Sunday, July 13, 2008

End of Weekend..

After dinner we all went outside to hang out...Cacey, Jeff and Jeffery played and Gramps watched....closely. We had a great dinner and evening. So thankful to be home this weekend and not being rushed anywhere.

My Dad came over for dinner...even thought the girls made peanut butter cookies everyone opted for "ice cream" cookies instead. Nothing toward the peanutbutter cookies its just that the ice cram cookies are everyones fave ...especially gramps.

Could'nt get a pic of Cace...she was tooo crazy.

MMMM..The sisters made peanut butter cookies. I was so proud of them, they are really into baking. I have to remind Cassidy to let Cacey help...and that doesnt mean getting out and putting away the ingrediants...uuugghh she is so like me. They did a great job and they are always so thoughtfull to share with our neighbor Brenda. They love taking stuff to her.

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