Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Alexanders over for Lunch...

Michele and Danny and their two nieces came over to have lunch on Sunday...we made special cookies in honor of Harper! Cacey picked out the cookie cutter shapes...
I was in a mad dash to get them decorated.....before they got to our house...didn't make it though..
Michele brought me these beutiful Tulips with a bag of Recees attached to them, she is such a sweetheart!
Jeff grilled Elk Steaks, we had a great lunch together...then went outside and played with our new teatherball...Michele was so fun with the kids!
Danny opted for staying inside and playing with Harper. Thanks for comeing over guys....I'm so thankful of the friendship we share...some days I don't know what I would do if I did not have Michele to talk to!! And I tell her so!! Love you guys!!!!

ps....this is a pic of those beutiful Tulips 3 days from when Michele brought them...My grandma used to say when flowers are given with love they will bloom and live a long time...I find that to be true....these are perfect example!!! I have enjoyed having them in my kitchen!!

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