Thursday, February 24, 2011

Revolve Tour and Winter Retreat

Well....this past weekend Cassidy was off to Winter Retreat with our church. Cacey and I were off to Revolve Tour 2011 in Denver. We missed Cassidy and I know she would have loved it, we sent her off with the surprise in her suitcase.....shhhh.
Cuz....every girl needs this to survive in the mountains! heee hee

So here we are ready to go...just me and Cace
Got in the big "D" kinda early so we had a yummy dinner at Red Robbin..mmmm!
Here we are at Revolve Tour.....which is a christian conference for pre teen - teen girls. They had great speakers...our favorite was Chad Eastham, he was really funny. All speakers were good and sharing the word of God in such a huge crowd of girl (4,000) is awesome.
The concerts were good, Hawk Nelson, Britt Nicole, Group 1 crew, and our fave of the concerts was Jamie Grace. She was soooo cute and what a great testimony!!!
All the young girs......aka "The MOMS" HA!
The MC for the conference was Courntey Clark Cleveland, WOW what a great job she did!!! She was totally relateable to the girls, fun girl, someone you just want to hang with!!
The weather was great for late February, which we were grateful for with a little bit of driving and a little bit of walking to the parking lot.
Went to the Park Meadows Mall, for dinner at The Cheese Cake factory, had a little bit of a wait so we did some cruising of the!!

Soooo, we came accross this cool booth about Vital Force Bracelets. Have you heard of it? You gotta try it, its all about balance, and better flow of blood and who knows what else. HA HA, long story short we were sold on it, we all bought 2 each. I gave one to my really does help your balance....REALLY!!!!
Well, a little wait turned out to be 2 hours long. It was so worth it!!! The food was amazing and the cheese cake, well I just wish I had a piece right this second!!! MMMMM. What a great weekend. I loved the ladies we went with. Did not know any of them real well, but so glad to have new friends!!!!

1 comment:

IvyandRein said...

Carla! I love the font on your blog!
What cute family you have ;)

That survival kit is a GREAT idea!
I thunk I need to make one of those for work
Lol ;)