Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter and Beyond...

Autumn and Cacey decorating cookies......

Jeff and Jeffery went turkey turkey, but check out the way the car came back...uuuuggghhhh!

They unloaded and went straight to the showers..

We missed them!

My doggies....with their spring collars on..

It is still kinda cold here so they found a warm spot on the floor to get cozy.

Our friends the Schwartz got a new puppy... a mini australian sheperd, "Goalie" he is sooo cute!!

Arent his eyes amazing!

Saturday before Easter, Michele never forgets my kids for anything!!! She brought over this great Easter basket for them.

I'm so mean I made the kids wait til after church on Sunday to open it.

We colored eggs...

And yes this is snow day before Easter, we were glad has been a dry winter so we are grateful for the moisture!!

Easter morning .....looks like the Easter Bunny was here!

Easter Morning....

The kids are still excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought....too bad he didnt do that dirty laundry sitting behind Jeffery....Oh Well...

Cacey barely made it down the stairs...

Cassiy half awake..

Before Church...

Well we made it to church snow and all....Kinda funny to see everyone wearing coats on Easter.

Church was beutiful, happy to celebrate the Rising of the King!!!

My sweet Dad...I love this picture of him...he looked so good on Easter, he was really happy wearing his NAVY sweatshirt Jeannie sent him. I thought it looked great on him!!!

Cass....and some crazy kid!

Tracy, Anthony, and Elyse came over. I was soo happy! They are such a fun bunch!!!

It waremed up pretty nice so after dinner we decided to go for a walk with the doggies.

Tracy brought the kids kites for Easter, which was such a great idea!!!!

Cacey and Elyse found these pennies just laying on the ground, so they put them in this bag....added up to $5.60. Pennies add up you know!

Tracy and I loved these trees she is standing in front of, they smelled soooo good!

Cass didnt want to change from her dress so she just threw on jeans underneath.

Not to much of a breez up so the girls just kept trying and trying!!

Cacey did really good...

Well since we went for the walk we went straight for desert when we got home....I made cheese cake, and carrot cake (from scratch) it was a recipe from Pioneer Woman's blog. It was delicious!!

I have the best boss in the world Dr. P always remembers us at every holiday, which I know his wife is behind all the remembering but I am grateful for both of them. They gave us all these adorable eggs from our city famous "Patsy's" candy store. MMMMM, I saved it till I got home and we all tore into them!I should have Chickens in my backyard....I cook 12 eggs fro Jeff, Jeffery, Cassidy, and Cacey in the mornings....well not every morning but when I do I can't believe how many eggs we go through. WHEW!

Jeffery is turning 12 on the 5th...I took this picture to add to his invites.

I'm so proud proud proud of the kids, they are being baptised on Monthers day ( how perfect for me) and also becoming members of our church. They completed the Communicants class that is required which was alot of extra "home work" and momorization. At the end of the class they each had to be interviewed by the Elders of our church....Each of the Elders told me how proud I should be of them and what great kids they are. I was gonna ask the Elders if they could come home with me to make sure they would keep it up...HA!

Cassidy did a great job, Dr. Hammerstrom just went on and on about what a good girl Cassidy is....Just have to brag about her.....

Jeffery did great too. He is just a happy kid......unless you make him stay inside and vacume the steps or something like that...HA! I look forward to Mothers Day !!!

May 1st....still snow on the Peak.....

May 5th....Our Cinco De Mayo Baby!!!! Wow 12 years old......

Got lots of Camo for hunting this year...and all sports sort of stuff....

Oh yeah and a big gift....a shot gun for skeet shooting, he has really liked doing that on Saturday's with Jeff.

Jeffery requested breakfast...."Skillet" MMMM

Cass and Cacey went to our Church annual "Girls Lock In" ..Cacey invited a friend from soccer...

Here they are in the morning, They had 40 girls all together....Cassidy and Cacey both love Anna one of our youth directors.

Cass and Sarah.....look kinda burned out

Well our yard took a beating this winter with no moisture, today is the first weekend in a while it has been kind of nice for Jeff to try to get the yard back up to par....Jeffery mowed...

Jeff cleaned out the shed .....look how terrible the grass looks, I cant believe it. Jeff works so hard on the yard, we both really enjoy being outside in the back and just having a nice yard.

Max didnt want to help.....

Neither did Cass....after being up all night we didnt dare ask her to help....EEEEEK....Well hopefully more nice weather is to come!! Happy May!!!!!

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